{'status':'success','data':{'nb':35318,'hash':' 00000000000558cb72a5c4c3a5dc3a5dd1887656c327ace0239c480628795da5fbdefdb8038','version':1,'confirmations':423953,'time_utc':'*2010-01-19T10:41:47Z','nb_txs':1,'merkleroot':' ','next_block_nb':35319,'prev_block_nb':35317,'next_block_hash':' ','prev_block_hash':' ','fee_usd':'0.07','vout_sum_usd':0.93,'add_blk_size':'14850','difficulty':1.3050621315915,'days_destroyed':0,'extras':null},'code':200,'message':'}
Task 0.
Task 1. QR decoder Task 2.
SMART CONTRACT & QRCODE PRICE TAGS & gdk charge = .001 of title insurance Take screenshots and build unhackable invoices/money/copyrights. Powered by Bitcoin blockchain and private sidechain ;;; ***
1737249063 Fingerprint 1 Fingerprint 2 Fingerprint 3 Fingerprint 4 Fingerprint 5 Fingerprint 6 Block Height 7 Block Height 8
Task 3.
Current block =
Last random block = {'status':'success','data':{'nb':140935,'hash':' 00000000000176dce835482646a00e8449e47736c1072916a7df77f0de894d6d942335e4313','version':1,'confirmations':423953,'time_utc':'*2010-01-19T01:11:03Z','nb_txs':1,'merkleroot':' ','next_block_nb':140936,'prev_block_nb':140934,'next_block_hash':' ','prev_block_hash':' ','fee_usd':'0.07','vout_sum_usd':0.93,'add_blk_size':'14850','difficulty':1.3050621315915,'days_destroyed':0,'extras':null},'code':200,'message':'}
{'status':'success','data':{'nb':140935,'hash':' 00000000000176dce835482646a00e8449e47736c1072916a7df77f0de894d6d942335e4313','version':1,'confirmations':423953,'time_utc':'2011-01-19T01:11:03Z','nb_txs':1,'merkleroot':' ','next_block_nb':140936,'prev_block_nb':140934,'next_block_hash':' ','prev_block_hash':' ','fee_usd':'0.07','vout_sum_usd':0.93,'add_blk_size':'14850','difficulty':1.3050621315915,'days_destroyed':0,'extras':null},'code':200,'message':'}
ADDR BAL SBAL POUT my fingerprint -1737249063 my info Add your filename.txt We added bit.txt
Smart Contracts dApp zero knowledge proofs are non-fungible or fungible self-created contractual unique numbers tokens IoT log CID identifiers,
stored on the blockchain, which nobody controls.
Build "Air-gapped++" offline blank contract forms using a server app., Unix time, sidechain and Bitcoin block height.
No network dependent rules are used because rules and oracles are hackable. Tracking farm produce, auction virtual goods.
The way blockchain works is by fizz:buzz: messages.
So a Buy message 4 during any minute of time is split by 6 10 times.
Example, the seconds are at 35 so I missed 6 12 18 24 30 36
So a Buy message 4 is
Now I click the Ledger button at 40 seconds woops the 40 just passed, ok 9x6=54+4=58
Paste address then type 58 Click button at 56,57, 58 got it.
Check and make sure address 58. Note; Don't use 58 twice use a different 6 second split. Seller does a Sell message 3. There are 4 extra messages 1256 if ever needed.
If both the buyer and seller create messages for the agreements the transaction is final. buzz z
Each voter has a unique address or wallet, where the votes are sent.
This is where the system adds an extra level of transparency, through a block explorer https://live.blockcypher.com/, where the exact number of votes in each wallet can be viewed in real time. The system can be connected to the internet during an election because votes become smart contracts and instantly checked for accuracy and burned to CD.
The vote smart contract asks for simple digital tasks to be done by the voter as human caused. Paper copy placed in mailbox.
Biometric task based secure identity chain
Make a black and white name icon
gkrug.mypressonline.com/cgi/source/code.php?x=260x60/ffffff/000000.png&text=gerald daniel krug
save the image as code.php rename to code.png
now go to OCR
click on admin
Name of the Symbol, GDK use API website 10 numbers
rename the image code.png to the red number 1360141229
name the image the same red number.
copy image to internal memory.
Choose File to upload then click Submit Symbol
get the URL to symbol image
then get the second to last URL on the list.
I got...
go to the URL and screenshot the qrcode
crop then rename screenshot cqcode1360141229.png
the cqcode1360141229.png
will scan https://zxing.org to the
url to use by admin.
the admin will change in the z folder the file 1526332189.pl
the admin. will fix the tiny website
your vetted Identity is then finished.
Optional logic;
first do the document submit
then do 4)vote task to create backup
then add the backup URL to here to
then submit again.
The blockchain references to external backup outside blockchain.
call 13237395845 speak out loud your valued URL